point of view assignment

This was the first usable picture I took. The previous pictures were trial and error with aperture, shutter speed, and all of the other multitudes that go into taking a picture. It is not very straight and I think it was clear that my body position was at an angle. This was the moment that I decided to really focus on Mollie’s hands. She is Italian and I never realized how so much of her expression comes through from her hands.

This photo was the last one I took for this assignment. My main goal with this shot was to show the as much of the space I was shooting, but still keep the majority of the light around the subject. Mollie was a really good sport and let me as she said, “stalk her” with a camera. The main issue that I have with the photograph is the way that I framed it. I like the overall effect, but I wish I would have shut the door to the bedroom and moved closer to the kitchen table to center the shot a bit more.

This picture is the one that I chose to end the photo story with because it was a culmination of the time I spend shooting Mollie. Both of us were ready to drink our tea and eat our cupcakes without the sound of the shutter interrupting our conversation. As I stood on her couch to get a high angle, I used the zoom because without it I would lose the concentration in my subject. Every part of her is individually focused on something. I really liked the way the chair opens up in a way to frame her and point the eye towards the coffee table, which is where so much of the action is occurring. But I have the same problem here as I did with the previous shot, I should have shut the bedroom door because it detracts from the overall look of the picture.
She just decided to make us tea and serve the two of us some cupcakes while I followed her around her apartment with a camera. Had she been sitting the entire time, I think I would have been very nervous. I hate stiff photographs and even though these may not be particularly beautiful, I like them because her personality is in the shots. I may be able to see that because we are close friends, but does that really matter?

1 Response to “point of view assignment”

  1. 1 sluphojo February 9, 2012 at 2:50 am

    Good photographs can be had when both the personality of the subject emerges and the photographer leaves a bit of him or herself in the image. Nice post taking the viewer behind the scenes.

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