Joy is in the eyes…

As has been the case with many of the assignments we have been given in this class, I knew immediately who and what I wanted to capture for a great portrait. And in customary fashion, that changed.  I set out wanting to photograph two of my friends who are simply filled with joy. However, I ended up finding another friend and coworker of mine who ended up being an excellent subject for portraiture.

Meet my buddy Jim.  Jim works as a bartender in the hotel I work at.  I have known Jim for about a year, but I enjoy working with him as he is a funny guy and is consistently in a good mood when he’s at work.

I chose this photo to critique, because its safe for him and his face isn’t plastered on this blog for all of us to take apart, but also because I nearly missed this shot.  I was trying to get Jim working so I asked him to make a drink for a pretend guest.  After making the drink for the 10th time, we laughed at something and he responded with an over-the-top Jim laugh.  It was a good moment.

In looking at the photo though, I wonder if this frame might have been better suited if I were up nearly eye-level with him.  Getting a little more of his actual face would help in more easily identifying him.  I do like the low angle and that the shot is pulled back to help capture some of the environment.  I am thankful I wasn’t stubborn this time and shooting with manual focus, because I am pretty sure I would have missed this moment.

Overall, I like the idea of taking portraits and I do hope to do it again for more friends.

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